Ministry Of Education


The Taunggoke Regional College was opened on 23rd February, 2012 (2012-2013 Academic Year). At that time, the library didn’t have a separate building. The library was opened at (B) Hall of student services Center on December 2012. In the beginning of library there was two library staff. Now, the library has one Assistant Librarian and three library staff is serving library users’ needs. Then, the library was moved to (A) Hall of the main building in 2013. Finally, the library was moved to the current two storeys building on December, 2016. On 11th October 2017 the status of Regional College was upgraded to the College status. And then, the status of College was upgraded to the University level on 1st September, 2020. The Library opens daily from 9:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M expect weekends and public holidays.

The collection of the Taunggoke University holds a variety of books from local.  Most of them are academic books correspond to the teaching programs of the University. In addition, library collects fiction, non-fiction and various kinds of knowledge books to improve reading skills of users. The total numbers of books are above nine thousands collections. There are above 3800 Myanmar books and above 6000 English books. There are also donated books. The collected books in the library are registered in two separate accession books such as Myanmar and English. The library collects daily, weekly and monthly periodicals published by local and Theses, Project papers and Old questions of Taunggoke University. The library provides access to 17 titles of periodicals in English and Myanmar.


  • Daw Win Win Shwe               2020-
  • Daw Win Win Swe                 2018-2020
  • Daw Nyo Nyo Aung               2016-2018
  • Daw Hla Hla Myat Thu         2012-2016
1.Assistant Librarian 1
2.Library Assistant Grade (2)1
3.Library Assistant Grade (3)2
  • Loan service (Closed Stack System)
  • Periodical service
  • References service
  • Inter-library Loan services
  • e-library services

Annually, enrolled students, office staff and faculty members have to register to be a member at the library. It needs present his/her identity card, 2 passport photos. When users of other Government Department and other Universities want to borrow, they need to give recommendation letter of Head or Professor to the library.

User categoriesLoan Cards/Borrowed booksLoan Periods
Students2 Cards/2 books1 week
Teaching Staff3 Cards/3 books2 week
Office2 Cards/2 books1 week

e-Catalogue with ELIB System